ACER’s missions and tasks are defined by the Directives and Regulations of the ACER’s missions and tasks are defined by the Directives and Regulations of the ACER’s missions and tasks are defined by the Directives and Regulations of the ACER’s missions and tasks are defined by the Directives and Regulations of the ACER’s missions and tasks are defined by the Directives and Regulations of the ACER’s missions and tasks are defined by the Directives and Regulations of the ACER’s missions and tasks are defined by the Directives and Regulations of the ACER’s missions and tasks are defined by the Directives and Regulations of the Third Energy Package, especially Regulation (EC) 713/2009 establishing the Agency. In 2011, ACER received additional tasks under Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (REMIT) and in 2013 under Regulation (EU) No 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure.
The Agency's overall mission, as stated in its founding regulation, is to complement and coordinate the work of national energy regulators at EU level, and to work towards the completion of the single EU energy market for electricity and natural gas.
ACER plays a central role in the development of EU-wide network and market rules with a view to enhancing competition. The Agency coordinates regional and cross-regional initiatives, which favour market integration. It monitors the work of European networks of transmission system operators (ENTSOs), and notably, their EU-wide network development plans. Finally, ACER monitors the functioning of gas and electricity markets in general, and of wholesale energy trading in particular.