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Implementation of Connection Codes

​​​​​​As the Regulations do not foresee approvals by more than one regulatory authority, the Agency will not be asked to adopt decisions when regulatory authorities cannot agree on terms, conditions and methodologies.

Learn more on the implementation status​ and visit ENTSO-E’s website for further information on the overall status of the national implementation.



 RfG Implementation

The Agency monitors the procedure of granting derogations from one or more provisions of the RfG Regulation.

The relevant regulatory authority decides which power-generating modules should be classified as an emerging technology. Any regulatory authority of the relevant synchronous area may request a prior opinion from the Agency, which shall be issued within three months after receiving the request. The decision of the relevant regulatory authority shall then take into account the Agency's opinion.

All regulatory authorities of a synchronous area may also decide in a coordinated manner to withdraw a classification as an emerging technology. Also in this case, the regulatory authorities of the synchronous area concerned may request a prior opinion from the Agency, which shall be issued within three months. Where applicable, the coordinated decision of the regulatory authorities shall take into account ACER's opinion.

Find out more on how national regulatory authorities implemented the transitional arrangements for emerging technologies in the Implementation Monitoring Report of the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators. The accumulated sales of power-generating modules classified as emerging technology are also made available by the national regulatory authorities every two months.​

 DCC Implementation

The Agency monitors the procedure of granting derogations from one or more provisions of the DCC Regulation. The Agency may issue a reasoned recommendation to a regulatory authority to revoke a derogation, in case justification is missing.​

 HDVC Implementation

The Agency monitors the procedure of granting derogations from one or more provisions of the HDVC Regulation. The Agency may issue a reasoned recommendation to a regulatory authority to revoke a derogation, in case justification is missing.​