Пропускане на команди от лентата
Прескачане до основното съдържание

Board of Regulators


The Board of Regulators (BoR) consists of senior representatives of the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) and one non-voting representative of the European Commission. Each NRA also appoints an alternate representative.

The BoR plays a key role within ACER. It decides on the regulatory policy of ACER. It has a substantial influence on the decisions, opinions and recommendations of the Agency.

Concretely, it provides opinions to the Director which the Director shall follow. In addition, the Board of Regulators, within its field of competence, shall provide guidance to the Director in the execution of his tasks and the Director shall act in accordance with this guidance. The central role of the BoR within ACER is underlined by the condition that the appointment of ACER’s Director and ACER’s work programme need to be approved by the BoR.


It thus important, as stated in the founding Regulation of ACER, that the BoR acts independently and shall not seek or take instructions from any government of a Member State, from the Commission, or from another public or private entity.
Rules of Procedure
The BoR adopts its rules of procedure. Decisions of the BoR are adopted on the basis of a two-thirds majority of the members present. Each member has only one vote.