Пропускане на команди от лентата
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Electricity Regional Initiatives

Quickly after its start in March 2011, ACER has changed the RIs scope to fit to a new vision based on the four following principles:    

  • A more project-oriented approach to help focus the understandably limited stakeholders’ resources on one single concrete and common project deemed to be most instrumental for the completion of the IEM;     
  • A more pan-European dimension to ensure the involvement of all Members States and the dedication of resources to achieve the common overarching objective of completing the IEM by 2014;     
  • A stronger stakeholders’ involvement and engagement to maintain the momentum and confidence throughout the implementation phase;     
  • A more adequate governance structure to improve the decision-making process.     

ACER hopes that this new vision will help the RIs to make yet a stronger contribution to the move from national or regional markets to an integrated IEM.     
