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Public workshop on technical requirements for data reporting under REMIT​

ACER launched on 22 March 2013 two public consultations on “Draft REMIT Technical Standards for Trade Reporting” and the “Draft REMIT Guidelines for the registration of Registered Reporting Mechanisms and for the registration of Regulated Information Services” to collect views from all parties interested in the implementation of REMIT (market participants, organised markets and other persons professionally arranging transactions, financial regulatory authorities, etc.).

In order to ensure transparency and full involvement of stakeholders, the Agency will also organise a public workshop in Ljubljana on 25 April 2013, from 12.00 to 16.30, to collect stakeholders’ views on the public consultation documents. A workshop programme will be available on this page as soon as possible.

If you would like to attend the workshop, please send an email to consultation2013R01@acer.europa.eu with your details.

​​​​More info on the public consultations can be found here​.​​​​