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Infrastructure development, NRAs and TSOs cooperation in the EU

ACER has various functions and roles regarding the development of the gas industry infrastructure in the context of achieving the objectives of the Third Energy Package and other key regulations, particularly regarding the functioning of the internal gas market. Cost-efficient network development is essential for overcoming physical congestion, improving energy security, and ensuring sustainability.  Capacity allocation methods and/or congestion management procedures alone cannot resolve physical congestion at gas transmission system interconnection points and other system bottlenecks.  Adequate physical transmission capacity is thus a necessary prerequisite for achieving the European market for natural gas.    

Article 6(2) of Regulation (EC) 713/2009 requires the Agency to monitor the execution of the tasks of ENTSOG in accordance with Article 9 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009, and in particular those related to the preparation of a Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP), a task performed by ENTSOG on a bi-annual schedule.  The Agency also monitors the preparation and the execution of the gas regional investment plans (GRIPs) and national infrastructure development plans, and assesses their consistency with regard to the Europe-wide TYNDP.        

By virtue of Regulation (EU) 347/2013, the Agency is also required to perform several tasks which help foster the adequacy and the efficiency of the development of the European gas sector infrastructure.        
