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Network Code Implementation and Monitoring Group

​​​​​​​​​The Network Code Implementation and Monitoring Group (NC IMG) is a forum for high level strategic coordination between the European Commission, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), and the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG).    

The NC IMG oversees the implementation and implementation monitoring of electricity network codes and gas network codes in the EU. Network codes and guidelines are rules to harmonise technical, operational and market rules governing the EU's electricity grids and gas networks, making an integrated EU internal energy market possible.    

NC IMG reference paper with objectives and practical arrangements

Information on implementation and implementation monitoring     

The Gas Network Codes Functionality Platform (FUNC) is a platform, managed by ACER and ENTSOG with the Commission's support, where stakeholders can report cross-border, regional and European issues related to the implementation of gas network codes and guidelines. In this way ACER and ENTSOG aim to find solutions to the cross-border, regional and European issues identified.    

ACER and ENTSO-E co-organise three European Stakeholder Committees (ESCs), one for each family of electricity codes (market codes, operational codes, and connection codes). They complement rather than replace legal obligations to consult and inform stakeholders during the implementation of electricity network codes. Documents relating to their meetings are available here. A database for stakeholders that tracks all queries about electricity network codes can be accessed here.    

Ninth meeting, 8 July 2020, Online



Eighth meeting, 19 November 2019, Brussels




Seventh meeting, 12 July 2019, Brussels



​Sixth meeting, 5 April 2019, Brussels



Informal guidance for the preparatory phases of the networkcode and guidelines amendment process​​

Fifth meeting, 2 July 2018, Brussels



Fourth meeting, 8 March 2018, Brussels



Third meeting, 29 November 2017, Brussels

