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ACER Electricity Stakeholder Advisory Group (AESAG)

AESAG was established by ACER in March 2011 as a platform to:
  • support the implementation of concrete projects to pave the way to the internal energy market (IEM);
  • to ensure the consistency of these projects with the coming Framework Guidelines on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management and the related network codes to be developed by ENTSO-E;
  • take stock of and assess progress against the roadmap;
    discuss the main features of the projects from a European perspective with all the stakeholders and give guidance to these projects where relevant.

The scope of the work in 2011 is the elaboration of a concrete, ambitious but realistic, Pan-European roadmaps in 5 areas for the completion of the internal energy market by 2014 through identifying the important milestones (including the initial geographical scope of the project, its likely future extensions, public consultations and regulatory steps), deadlines and respective accountabilities for:

  • Single European price market coupling;
  • Continuous implicit cross-border trading;
  • Single European platform for the allocation and nomination of long-term transmission rights;
  • Flow-based allocation method in highly meshed networks;
  • Pilot projects for the integration of balancing markets.

AESAG is chaired by ACER and composed of representatives from European level energy stakeholder organisations as well as national regulatory authorities and the European Commission:

  • ACER
  • European Commission
  • CEFIC: European Chemical Industry Council
  • EFET: European Federation of Energy Traders
  • ENTSO-E: European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity
  • EURELECTRIC: Union of the Electricity Industry
  • EuroPEX: Association of European Energy Exchanges
  • IFIEC: International Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers

AESAG builds upon the work undertaken by the Ad Hoc Advisory Group (AHAG) which monitored and coordinated the development projecets to carry forward the implementation of the target model for electricity capacity allocation and congestion management (CACM) and balancing agreed by the Project Coordination Group (PCG).

AESAG Terms of Reference