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Monitoring of Operation Codes

​​​​ACER and ENTSO-E monitor the implementation of the SO Regulation and of the NC ER​.

The purpose of these tasks is generally twofold. First, ACER and ENTSO-E monitor the implementation of the operation codes in terms of requirements and provisions by TSOs. Second, once the specific req​​​​uirements have been implemented, ACER must monitor and analyse the implementation of the network codes and their effect on the harmonisation of applicable rules aimed at facilitating market integration, as well as on non-discrimination, effective competition and the efficient functioning of the market, and report to the Commission.
ACER and ENTSO-E will publish different monitoring reports addressing the implementation. 


 Agency's monitoring

ACER monitors the implementation of network codes and guidelines, as well as their impact on the harmonisation of applicable rules to facilitate market integration, non-discrimination, effective competition and the market’s efficient functioning, and reports to the Commission.
​SO Regulation
Report on the implementation of SO Regulation: ACER intends to issue reports on the implementation of the SO Regulation (the first is expected in 2020).

Report on the effects of the SO Regulation: ACER's responsibility to monitor the effects of the SO Regulation is performed among its duties of monitoring the internal electricity market, when reporting on cross-cutting issues.
Report on the implementation of the NC ER: ACER intends to issue reports on the implementation of the Regulation (the first is expected in 2021).

Report on the effects of the NC ER: As the main provisions of the Regulation are not fully implemented yet, the direct effects cannot be observed.

Additional analysis of the SO Regulation: ACER intends to identify additional indicators to those specified in Article 15.3. As the implementation is ongoing, ACER expects to specify these indicators upon the approval of the relevant terms and conditions and methodologies (SO Regulation).

ACER Opinions on the SO Regulation: The effects of the SO Regulation on the electric power system's behaviour are also indirectly demonstrated in ENTSO-E's reports based on the Incidents Classification Scale Methodology, on which ACER issued the following opinions:

ACER Opinions on the NC ER: The effects of the Emergency and Restoration Network Code on the electric power system's behaviour are also indirectly demonstrated in ENTSO-E's reports based on the Incidents Classification Scale Methodology, on which ACER issued the following opinions:


 External monitoring

ENTSO-E is responsible for monitoring the implementation of both the SO Regulation and the NC ER.

​SO Regulation

ENTSO-E's monitoring covers:

  • operational security indicators 
  • load-frequency control
  • regional coordination assessment
  • identification of any divergences in the national implementation regarding the terms and conditions or methodologies
  • identification of any additional improvements of tools and services, beyond the improvements identified by the TSOs
  • identification of any improvements in the annual report on incidents classification scale, which are necessary to support sustainable and long-term operational security
  • identification of any difficulties in the cooperation with third country's TSOs on secure system operation.
​ENTSO-E's monitoring covers: ​
  • identification of any divergences in the national implementation
  • consistency assessment of system defense and restoration plans carried out by TSOs
  • thresholds above which the impact of TSOs' actions in the emergency, blackout or restoration states becomes significant for other TSOs within the capacity calculation region
  • level of rules' harmonization for suspension and restoration of TSOs' market activities
  • level of rules' harmonisation for imbalance settlement and balancing energy in case of market suspension 

​Consult ENTSO-E's website to access all the relevant reports.​
