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Market participants entering into transactions that are required to be reported to the Agency are obliged to register as market participants.
The requirement to register applies to any person, legal or natural. 
On 26 June 2012, the Agency adopted a Decision determining the registration format  to be used for the establishment of the future European register of market participants. National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) were closely involved in the preparation of the registration format, inter alia through the Agency’s Board of Regulators (BoR).
Stakeholders were extensively consulted during the preparation of the registration format. All interested parties were invited to provide comments on a Public Consultation Paper published on 18 April 2012 and to attend a public workshop, held on 3 May 2012, during which the Consultation Paper was presented.
The registration format is the basis for the registration of market participants with NRAs at national level and for the Centralised European Register of Energy Market Participants (CEREMP).
NRAs in the EU Member States are required to establish a registration system so that market participants can provide their information.
The Agency’s system CEREMP is also available to NRAs to use it at national level.
Detailed information on this obligation is provided in the ACER Guidance on the application of REMIT.