Scope of the group
The group focuses on providing advice on REMIT policy matters, including compliance with the obligation on market participants to disclose inside information, as well as other EU regulations impacting on energy trading and market functioning regulation on energy markets, including financial market regulation.
It may also provide advice on the REMIT Regulation more broadly in order to develop proposals for any future review.
The group is composed by the following members (in alphabetical order):
Ms Volinka Augustenborg
Ms Camilla Berg
Ms Christine Hillion
Mr Karl-Peter Horstmann
Mr Robert Jambrich
Mr Pasi Kuokkanen
Ms Giulia Migueles-Pereyra
Mr Jethro van Hardeveld
Mr Pablo Villaplana
Mr Bernhard Walter
Mr Mark Csete (observer for ENTSO-E)
Ms Kathrine Stannov (observer for ENTSOG)