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Ad hoc expert group on Framework Guidelines on Electricity Balancing

The 3rd Energy Package envisages the development of European network codes in different areas. ENTSO-E will be responsible for drafting cross-border network codes based on the prinicples and objectives set out in the Framework Guidelines to be prepared by the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) in consultation with network users.

Therefore ACER has decided to set up an informal "ad hoc" group of experts on electricity balancing. The goal of this group will be to provide expert support to ACER during the development of the Framework Guideline on electricity balancing.

The Terms of Reference - with specific expertise criteria for the experts - and the Rules of Procedure for the expert group on electricity balancing, are provided in Annex 1 and Annex 2 of the Open Letter.

Open letter on establishment of ad hoc expert group for electricity balancing

Following the 13 July 2011 publication of the Open Letter inviting candidates for an ad hoc expert group on electricity balancing, ACER appointed 14 members, as part of the process for the development of framework guidelines.
The Expert Group members are:
  • Alonso Javier (Director Bidding and Operations at Endesa);
  • Chan William (Energy Operations Optimization manager at Air Liquide);
  • de la Fuente José Ignacio (Responsible for voltage control ancillary service management at the Operation Markets Departament of Red Electrica de España);
  • Doorman Gerard (Full-time professor at Norvegian University of Science and Technology);
  • Dornick Susanne (Key account manager for balancing agreements at E.ON Energy Trading SE);
  • Hakvoort Rudi (Partner of D-Cision B.V.);
  • Harmand Yves (Director of the department network access and operation performance at RTE);
  • Hawkins Nigel T. (Director bidding at Enel);
  • Hewicker Christian (Regional director Topics & Innovation Europe at KEMA consulting);
  • Proudfoot Christopher (Head of Generation Planning & Logistics at Centrica Energy);
  • Spire Emeline (Head of Energy Management Design at Elia);
  • Stobrawe Markus (Operations department at Ampiron);
  • Strbac Goran (Professor of Electrical Energy Systems and Director of the Centre for sustainable electricity and distributed generation at Imperial College);
  • Sundahl Lasse (Senior Economist at