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REMIT Pilot Project - General information

The main purpose of the REMIT Pilot Project is to gather valuable input from parties that will be involved in data collection under REMIT.

  • Open Letter invitation to participate in the 2nd phase of the REMIT Pilot Project.
  • Open Letter invitation to participate in the 1st phase of the REMIT Pilot Project.

The current objectives of the project are to:

  • develop a working IT system prototype able to collect the data;

  • collect sufficient amount of data for initial testing and customisation of a Market Monitoring Solution;

  • gradually improve and upgrade the prototype to become a fully functional ARIS system;

  • identify open issues and problems in the early phase of ARIS implementation.

Pilot Project Participants

Pilot Project Meetings:

6 March 2014 - REMIT Pilot Progress Meeting

25 November 2013 - 2nd REMIT Pilot Project Progress Meeting 

04 October 2013 - 1st REMIT Pilot Project Progress Meeting

11 July 2013 - KickOff Meeting

30 July 2014 - REMIT Pilot Project Progress meeting on 30 July 2014