Open vacancies
Open vacancies
Please find below the list of open vacancies at ACER.
Considering the current COVID-19 situation and travel restrictions posed my many countries, ACER has opted for on-line written examinations and oral interviews. All information relative to the modalities of the written examination and the oral interview will be provided to shorlitesd candidates in due time.
1. Contract Staff
Legal Officer (FG IV) - Ref: ACER/2020/04
Selection Committee
Deadline for applications: 10 August 2020 (23:59, Ljubljana time)
2. SNEs
3. Traineeships
Open Call for Trainees - Ref: ACER/TRAINEE/2019/OC
How to apply
Open positions are announced with a vacancy notice. To access a specific vacancy notice, please click on the relevant link. Candidates are invited to familiarise themselves with the eligibility and selection criteria before submitting their application.
For each vacancy, a functional mailbox is opened. ACER accepts applications only sent to the relevant mailbox. In case ACER lists more openings, candidates shall pay attention to send the application to the appropriate functional mailbox.
Only applications sent before the closing time are accepted.
For further details on the application procedure, please visit the
Selection procedure section.