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Draft Agenda V4.pdfDraft Agenda V4
Minutes of the 18th AB meeting, Rome 18 September 2014.pdfMinutes of the 18th AB meeting, Rome 18 September 2014
draft 17th AB minutes - clean.pdfdraft 17th AB minutes - clean
Draft Agenda V4.docDraft Agenda V4
DECISION AB-09-2014 on the appointment of the new BoR member - Svetla Todorova.pdfDECISION AB-09-2014 on the appointment of the new BoR member - Svetla Todorova
List of Implementing Rules.pdfList of Implementing Rules
DECISION AB-NN-2014 repealing Decision AB No 01-2011 CLEAN - UPDATED.pdfDECISION AB-NN-2014 repealing Decision AB No 01-2011 CLEAN - UPDATED
ACER WorkProgramme 2015-September2014.pdfACER WorkProgramme 2015-September2014
DECISION AB-08-2014 on the appointment of the new BoR alternate member - Mads Lyndrup.pdfDECISION AB-08-2014 on the appointment of the new BoR alternate member - Mads Lyndrup
DECISION AB-07-2014 on the appointment of the new BoR member - Mr Maciej Bando.pdfDECISION AB-07-2014 on the appointment of the new BoR member - Mr Maciej Bando
ACER WorkProgramme 2015-September2014.docxACER WorkProgramme 2015-September2014