In order to facilitate gas transport and gas trading across the EU, the
Framework Guidelines and the associated
Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (FG and NC CAM) aim to promote and define harmonised capacity allocation mechanisms, i.e. auction procedures, and a small set of standardised bundled cross border capacity products at
interconnection points between entry-exit zones. The code, taking account of general commercial and technical rules related to capacity allocation, also specifies how adjacent transmission system operators shall cooperate to facilitate the sale and usage of bundled capacity.
Based on the previous work by ERGEG since 2008, the Agency finalised and formally adopted the (pilot)
Framework Guidelines on CAM on the 3 August 2011. In parallel, ENTSOG had been developing the NC CAM, extensively involving stakeholders, and submitted a first
Network Code to the Agency on the 6 March 2012. A
consultancy study was commissioned by the Agency at the end of 2011 to support the assessment of the Code, with a particular focus on the proposed auction design.
On the 5 June 2012, the Agency provided its
Reasoned Opinion on the NC CAM proposing amendments in eleven areas. ENTSOG delivered an
amended Network Code on the 17 September taking on board seven of the amendments proposed in the Reasoned Opinion.
To facilitate the process towards the adoption of the NC CAM, the Agency issued on its own initiative a
Recommendation to the European Commission on the 4 October 2012, recommending the adoption of the NC CAM subject to specific amendments in the remainder areas, concerning capacity breakdown, its application to new capacity, the sale of unbundled capacity and tariff provisions.
The Commission recommended that the Agency submits the NC CAM based on a different legal basis (Article 6(9) of Regulation (EC) No 715/2009) and assured the Agency that a qualified recommendation (one with reservations and suggestions) is permitted. The Agency’s final
Recommendation was issued on the 9 November 2012 along the lines of the previous recommendation.
On 15 April 2013, the ‘Committee on the implementation of common rules on the transport, distribution, supply and storage of natural gas’ delivered a positive vote on the CAM Network Code (cf.
comitology register), which was published as
COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 984/2013 in the Official Journal of the European Union on 15 October 2013. After an implementation period, most provisions of the CAM Network Code were applicable as of 1 November 2015.
During 2015, the Agency consulted twice on possible amendments to the NC CAM related to Incremental Capacity and other technical changes to the CAM network code (like auction timing and methods). On 14 October 2015, ACER sent its recommendation on the amendment to the NC CAM to the European Commission for adoption. The amendments have passed the Comitology process and resulted in the
Commision Regulation (EU) 2017/459 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems and repealing Regulation (EU) No 984/2013.
More information:
Public Consultation on the Incremental Capacity Proposal PC_2015_G_02
Public Consultation on the Incremental Capacity Proposal and further NC CAM amendments PC_2015_G_05
On 14 October 2016 the Agency published a
consultancy study on the 3 capacity booking platforms’ level of (early) compliance with NC CAM.
On 4 November 2015 ACER published a report on the progress made on voluntary capacity bundling at interconnection points.
On 31 May 2016 the Agency published its
Annual Congestion Report, including a list specifying at which interconnection points the so-called Firm Day-Ahead Use-It-Or-Lose-It (FDA UIOLI) mechanism will have to be applied as a congestion management procedure (CMP) from 1 July 2016.
On 27 October 2016, one year after the application date of the Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (NC CAM), the Agency published an
Implementation Monitoring Report. The Report establishes that implementation is on track, but has not been delivered fully.
On 31 May 2018 the Agency published the fifth edition of the Annual
Report on Contractual Congestion at Interconnection Points (including
Technical Annex). The Report offers insight into the increasing application of congestion management procedures at both congested and non-congested IPs.
On 5 April 2019 the Agency published its
Report on the conditionalities stipulated in contracts for standard capacity products for firm capacity and an underlying consultancy
Study as required by the EU Regulation establishing a Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms in gas transmission systems.
On 28 May 2019 the Agency published the sixth edition of the Annual
Report on Contractual Congestion at Interconnection Points.
Agency decision for the selection of single capacity booking platform at 'MALLNOW IP' and 'GCP VIP
9 April 2019
25 March 2019
Notice on the adoption of a new Decision upon a single booking platform
Proceeding related to the annulled decision
5 June 2018
June 2018
19 June 2018
19 July 2018
Offer letters to the Booking Platforms - Annexes
16 October 2018
14 February 2019
Gas Network Codes Functionality Platform
The joint “Gas Network Codes Functionality Platform” is available at
On the platform all relevant parties can notify implementation and operational issues related to the gas Network Codes and
Guidelines in force.
More description about the platform:
Related Documents and links
- ACER Report on “contractual congestion in EU gas markets and how it is managed" – 20 May 2020
- The ACER/ENTSOG issue solution and its supporting document for FUNC case on Auction restrictions in the NCG market area - 4 June 2020
ACER Report on the conditionalities stipulated in contracts for standard capacity products for firm capacity and an
underlying consultancy Study, 5 April 2019
EC letter of 6 August 2018 clarifying the meaning of the Article 19 (9) of the Network Code to enable the correct implementation of the virtual interconnection points (‘VIPs’) in the EU and the ACER/ENTSOG
joint note on the Implementation of VIPs of 20 June 2018
- ACER 2018 Report on Congestion at IPs in 2017 – 31 May 2018 (with
Technical Annex)
- Commision Regulation (EU) 2017/459 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems and repealing Regulation (EU) No 984/2013
- The Agency’s comments on the ENTSOG’s Capacity conversion model
ACER 2016 Report on Congestion at IPs in 2015 - 31 May 2015
ACER Implementation Monitoring Report on the Capacity Allocation Mechanisms Network Code – 27 October 2016