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The Agency organises this workshop on the estimation of the cost of disruption of gas supply (CoDG) and the value of lost load in electricity supply (VoLL) in Europe. The purpose is to develop methodologies which allow the evaluation of CoDG and VoLL in monetary terms per EU Member State per type of consumer or, if not feasible per Member State, at regional level. For that purpose, ACER has contracted studies on the matter, which will be discussed during the workshop.
The studies are expected to provide practical results which can be used in the context of updating and improving the gas and electricity cost-benefit analysis (CBA) methodology in line with the EU Regulation for trans-European energy infrastructure. The current CBA methodology was developed by the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSOG and ENTSO-E) in the context of assessment of new infrastructure, as well as in the context of the regulation concerning measures to safeguard the security of gas supply (SoS Regulation). In particular, both studies are expected to provide estimates of CoDG and VoLL to be used for a better monetisation of security of supply aspects in the CBA methodologies (and in the SoS Regulation concerning gas security of supply).
As the premises on which the workshop is to take place have limited seating capacity, participation will be allotted on a first come, first served basis until the seating capacity is fully booked. A real-time webcast of the workshop will be provided.
Registration is closed:
there are no seats available.
Draft agenda
CEPA Presentation VoLL Workshop
Kantor-ECA Presentation CODG Workshop
Questionnaires to stakeholders for the Estimation of the Cost of Disruption of Gas (CoDG) Supply in Europe are available at:

Questionnaire to stakeholders for Services Sectors.
The deadline for responding to these questionnaires has been extended to the 30th June 2018.
WebEx call-in information for CoDG/VoLL Workshop (18 June 2018, from 10:00 am – 4:30 pm)
Meeting number (access code): 846 654 589
JOIN BY PHONE (remote participants will be muted, but it will be possible to post questions in the chat and listen to answers)
+32 (0)22008147 Belgium Toll
Global call-in numbers:
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