ACER organises this online webinar to present the results of the methodological study aimed at identifying and measuring barriers to the development of competitive electricity prices and the entry and participation of new market players in the EU electricity wholesale markets.
Access the webinar's Agenda.
Access the webinar's Presentation.
The study – which has been carried out with the support of a consultant over several months – will enable ACER to fulfil effectively its new monitoring responsibilities set in the Clean Energy Package. In particular, the study has defined some indicators to be progressively included in future editions of ACER's Annual Report on the Results of Monitoring the Internal Electricity and Natural Gas Markets (the so called Market Monitoring Report).
This study has benefited from inputs collected from a wide range of stakeholders through a public consultation and some interviews. In this webinar, stakeholders will get information about the barriers identified, the indicators to measure them and the methodology to combine these indicators.