ACER workshop on relevant information for monitoring of SOGL

CEER Premises - Cours Saint-Michel 30a, box F (5th floor), 1040 Brussels - Belgium, 21 January, 2019. From 11:00 AM to 4:30 PM

​On 21 January 2019 ACER organises a workshop at the CEER premises in Brussels on relevant information for monitoring of SOGL.

In accordance with Article 14(2), the Agency, in cooperation with ENTSO-E, has an obligation to produce a list of the relevant information to be communicated by ENTSO-E to the Agency in accordance with Articles 8(9) and 9(1) of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009 (SOGL).

In coordination with the SOGC TF, ACER produced a preliminary set of indicators and data needed to monitor the effect of SOGL. This list of information was shared with ENTSO-E in October 2018 and the intention of the workshop is to allow for a detailed discussion with ENTSO-E and TSOs on the individual elements foreseen in the preliminary list of the relevant information.


The event is open to NRAs and TSOs.


The draft agenda of the workshop is available here .


Telco details:

1. Dial your Local Access Number,​ according to the country you are calling from.
2. Dial *, your Conference Room Number 3205815# and follow the voice prompt.

Agenda - Used for display event property into the page Agenda

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