29th SSE GRI RCC meeting

Budapest, 52. Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út, HEA premises, 1st floor, Conference room, 07 July, 2016. From 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM

Agenda - Used for display event property into the page Agenda

Topics Accompanying documents Rapporteur
File type icon
Word documentFinal draft minutes of the previous RCC meeting13 September, 2016Riccardo Galletta
pdf File28 June, 2016SPAdmin
Word documentAgenda13 September, 2016Riccardo Galletta
pdf File6 July, 2016Riccardo Galletta
Word documentSSE GRI draft Work Plan for final comments13 September, 2016Riccardo Galletta
pdf File6 July, 2016Riccardo Galletta
Powerpoint presentationPresentation on the direct lines issue13 September, 2016Riccardo Galletta
Powerpoint presentationPresentation on the progress on CAM&BAL NCs implementation13 September, 2016Riccardo Galletta
Powerpoint presentationOverview of the Energy Infrastructure Forum 201613 September, 2016Riccardo Galletta
pdf FileDraft concept paper on Gas Wholesale Licensing in SSE EU13 September, 2016Riccardo Galletta
Powerpoint presentationPresentation of the project for incremental capacity offer between Romania, Hungary, and Austria13 September, 2016Riccardo Galletta
Powerpoint presentationPresentation of the project of market integration between Austria and Czech Republic via "Trading Region Upgrade" 13 September, 2016Riccardo Galletta
Powerpoint presentationPresentation on the transparency developments of Virtual Trading Points13 September, 2016Riccardo Galletta
Excel workbookWorking document - VTPs scoring model13 September, 2016Riccardo Galletta
Powerpoint presentationPresentation of the draft concept paper on Gas Wholesale Licensing in SSE EU13 September, 2016Riccardo Galletta
pdf FileComments received on the draft concept paper on Gas Wholesale Licensing in SSE EU13 September, 2016Riccardo Galletta
Word document29th GRI SSE RCC meeting final draft minutes13 September, 2016Riccardo Galletta
pdf File13 September, 2016Riccardo Galletta
Word documentSSE GRI updated Work Plan 2016-201813 September, 2016Riccardo Galletta
pdf File13 September, 2016Riccardo Galletta